Recommended change your tables to InnoDB motor if hasn't.
If your database tables haven't InnoDB motor if while importing appear some unexpected error the previous datas that was inserted won't be deleted, however if you convert your tables to InnoDB motor the Rollback query will be compatible and if appear some unexpected error your datas inserted while import process will be deleted.

Your shop won't be affected by this change motor
Configuration - Import/Export process
Configuration - Excel columns
Export products
Import products
Rules - Import products
Images not found
1.- I want export...
2.- Filters to export
2.1.- Extra filters
3.- Export!
1.- I want import...
2.- Upload file
2.1.- Import rules
3.- Import!
Multi-sheet EXPORT, ideal for bulk editing purposes or migrations
Multi-sheet IMPORT, ideal for bulk editing purposes or migrations
Google Spreadsheet configuration
1.- Create API and get JSON access file

By default, a new spreadsheet cannot be accessed via Google’s API. We’ll need to go to your Google APIs console and create a new project and set it up to expose your Spreadsheets’ data.

  1. Go to the Google APIs Console.
  2. Create a new project.
  3. Click Enable API. Search for and enable the Google Drive API.
  4. Create credentials for a Web Server to access Application Data.
  5. Name the service account and grant it a Project Role of Editor.
  6. A JSON file will be downloaded. Go to next section.
2.- Upload JSON access file and save configuration
3.- Share Sheets with your Service Account ID

Finally, if you want read datas from some Google SpreadSheet, you need share this file with your "Service account ID", this is: JSON file didn't uploaded

Important: Your Google SpreadSheets have to have uniques names, the system will get the first occurrence by the searched name.
Here you can download your export history

1.- Export/import process stops suddenly, get errors or blank page

The process is overpassing some of these PHP directives values:

  • memory_limit (Megabytes)
  • max_execution_time (Seconds)
  • upload_max_filesize (Megabytes)
  • post_max_size (Megabytes)

Depends of size of your shop, or size of the file that you want process, will require more or less values, an example can be the next values:

  • memory_limit: 512M
  • max_execution_time: 800
  • upload_max_filesize: 240M
  • post_max_size: 250M

The best way to increase these values, is doing it directly in your server configuration, if you can't or don't know how to do it, your hosting support team can help you.

You also can try the next methods:

METHOD 1: Modify admin/php.ini and modify or add the next values:

memory_limit = 512M
max_execution_time = 800
upload_max_filesize = 240M
post_max_size = 250M

METHOD 2: Create the file admin/.htaccess with the next content:

php_value memory_limit 512M
php_value max_execution_time 800
php_value upload_max_filesize 240M
php_value post_max_size 250M


  1. Create a file in your root path called "phpinfo.php" with next PHP content:
    <?php phpinfo(); ?>
  2. Access to
  3. Press CTRL+F/COMMAND+F and search the directive names

If you see that, still have old values, is possible that METHOD 1 and METHOD 2 didn't work because your server don't allow this type of changes across php.ini/.htaccess libraries, your changes have to be applied directly in server configuration and apache have to be reset.

2.- How to install extension

3.- How to do a version migration

4.- How to add new products

If you want create new products make sure that you didn't fill column "Product ID", else, system will try find this product by this ID and will try edit it.

Also, the system will try find the product id by Model, even if you didn't fill column "Product ID", also have to make sure that data inserted in column "Model" not exists in your store, else, system will extract product id from this model.

Conclusion: To create new products, you haven't to fill column "Product ID" and model put in column "Model" have to be unique and new in your store.

5.- How to edit existing products

If you want edit an existing product, you have to fill one of these columns:

  • Product ID: The import system will get this product id data to edit.
  • Model: If you didn't put any Product id, the system will search this product id across this model.

6.- PHP Warning: realpath(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/tmp) is not within the allowed path(s):

Reason: Opencart searches for /tmp but it has no permissions to read and write.

Solution: Change the php directive "open_basedir" to a proper location with all permissions.

7.- I uploaded images, but aren't showing.

Make sure that you put a correct route in excel and uploaded image in a correct route. Go to see 2 examples.


Route of image in excel file:

  • Image 1: data/car_12345.jpg
  • Image 2: data/categories/cars/car_12345.jpg

Remember add "data/" in all routes if you are using Opencart 1.x

Upload image in your server in route:

  • Image 1: /image/data/car_12345.jpg
  • Image 2: /image/data/categories/cars/car_12345.jpg


Route of image in excel file:

  • Image 1: catalog/car_12345.jpg
  • Image 2: catalog/categories/cars/car_12345.jpg

Remember add "catalog/" in all routes if you are using Opencart 2.x or 3.x

Upload image in your server in route:

  • Image 1: /image/catalog/car_12345.jpg
  • Image 2: /image/catalog/categories/cars/car_12345.jpg

8.- Import system is giving an error in an excel row that is empty!

This problem is because there is some blank space or hidden symbol in some of cell of this excel.

To solve it, open excel file and remove the "empty" row that are giving problems. Save excel and try import again!.

9.- Error 32,767 characters allowed per cell

Microsoft Excel has the limit of 32.767 characters by cell, if you are trying export and some of your data overpassing this quantity, this error will appear. You have next ways to solve this problem:

  1. The error say you exactly the data that is overpasssing this limit, you can edit this data and edit his source code, sure that you have a lot of unnecesary code, maybe by copy/paste from a .doc or another document.
  2. Use Google Spreadsheets: Here the limit is 50.000 characters by cell, maybe your data not overpass this value.
  3. Use XML export: No characters limits.

10.- Error details: Undefined index: xxxxxxxx

If you received this error when you tried create/delete new elements in your shop:

Error number: 8
Error details: Undefined index: xxxxxxxxxx
Error file: (normally in admin/model/catalog/product.php, **/**/**/category.php)

This is because some external extension is adding new fields in your models, and the extension developer is not checking if this key exist before start to working with it. This is a bad develop practise, to solve it, you have to use array_key_exists php function before start to work with it.

You have multiples ways to solve this problem:

  1. Put in contact with the extension developer and tell this problem, they have to solve this problem.
  2. We can do it by a little quote, put in contact with us
  3. Maybe also you want add this field to import/export process, put in contact with us and we can do it by extra quote.

11.- Trying convert to INNODB motor I receive error FULLTEXT

If you are receiving an error simillar like this "Error: The used table type doesn't support FULLTEXT indexes. Error No: 1214. ALTER TABLE `TABLENAME` ENGINE=INNODB", an external extension created a new table (TABLENAME) that has a field with type "FULLTEXT", this type of field is not compatible with INNODB, you have to connect to your database and change this field type to "TEXT" (don't worry about this, is exactly same).

Your download identifier: 28bf3220-b0fc-43e5-82bc-b703577ed156
Access to Download center.
  • Version 7.7.6 - 19/07/2018
    • Minor errors fixed
  • Version 7.7.5 - 09/07/2018
    • ocStore (Russian Opencart) compatibility
    • Little bug fixed in exports/imports products
  • Version 7.7.1 - 02/07/2018
    • Little bug fixed: Cant import xlsx products file from first tab, appeared an empty error.
  • Version 7.7.0 - 01/07/2018
    • Added CSV in Export/Import in products
    • Added XML format in Export/Import backups
    • Minor error fixed in export/import product. Recommended update.
  • Version 7.6.9 - 12/06/2018
    • Minor error fixed in export/import product. Recommended update.
  • Version 7.6.8 - 16/05/2018
    • Minor errors fixed
  • Version 7.6.7 - 25/04/2018
    • Fixed some scapes database values in INSERT queries
  • Version 7.6.6 - 05/04/2018
    • Fix error in SQL queries in database that aren't using Opencart prefix table.
  • Version 7.6.5 - 12/03/2018
    • Bug fixed: Sometimes, in export/import process received a js error and process information stopped.
  • Version 7.6.4 - 08/03/2018
    • Minor error fixed in export process.
    • Added manufacturers to extra imports/exports.
    • "Get images not found" move to individual process.
  • Version 7.6.3 - 07/03/2018
    • Little bug fixed when tried download empty xlsx file
  • Version 7.6.2 - 06/03/2018
    • Added export progress window.
    • Minor error fixed.
  • Version 7.6.1 - 05/03/2018
    • Little bug fixed in SUM/REST Taxes
  • Version 7.6.0 - 24/02/2018
    • We are very happy present the new version!!
    • IMPORTANT TO OLD USER: New install tutorial, read tutorial.txt inside new .zip.
    • Compatible with native extension installer Opencart.
    • Full control of import process.
    • More compatible & estable.
  • Version 7.5.1 - 18/02/2018
    • Bug fixed: Sort order column wasn't exporting.
    • Added Stores filter in export products.
    • Added empty template (empty excel, only with columns)
    • More controls in analyze files before import.
  • Version 7.5.0 - 13/02/2018
    • Added Orders to "Extra exports", "Extra imports"
    • Little bug fixed to Opencart 3.x in SEO Urls
  • Version 7.4.6 - 10/02/2018
    • Bug fixed reading data from cells that contains date formatted by excel.
  • Version 7.4.5 - 09/02/2018
    • Added "template selector" to columns configuration.
    • Minor bugs fixed.
  • Version 7.4.0 - 05/02/2018
    • Added discounts and specials by customer groups
  • Version 7.3.0 - 02/02/2018
    • Added XML format in products export/import
    • Bug fixed in Google spreadsheets multilanguage columns
  • Version 7.2.1 - 24/01/2018
    • Little error fixed in validate columns data in "Model" VS "Product ID" columns. False error in validation.
  • Version 7.2.0 - 08/01/2018
    • Make custom filters to export datas!
    • More export/import datas
    • Added "Product ID" excel column
    • Added filter "By product models" in export products
  • Version 7.1.0 - 28/12/2017
  • Version 7.0.0 - 22/12/2017
  • Version 6.9.0 - 19/12/2017
    • Customers, Customer addresses and Customer groups Export/Import added!
  • Version 6.8.0 - 18/12/2017
    • Options/Option values Export/Import added!
  • Version 6.7.0 - 15/12/2017
    • Filters export/import added!
  • Version 6.6.0 - 15/12/2017
    • Attributes export/import added!
  • Version 6.5.0 - 14/12/2017
    • New user interface!!
    • New panel that inform you of status of your import process
    • Working on new exports/imports: customers, orders, options, attributes....
  • Version 6.2.5 - 12/12/2017
    • Bug fixed: In some shops, in middle of import process, your shop return XLSX file and import process not finish
  • Version 6.2.2 - 12/12/2017
    • Little bug fixed: PHP debug deleted when appear some error during import process.
  • Version 6.2.1 - 23/11/2017
    • Little bug fixed: Removed "NO FOUND" in descriptions after create new products.
  • Version 6.2.0 - 31/10/2017
    • We broke the limits! now you can choose numbers of Attributes, filters, categories, images, discounts and download that you want use in import/export processes.
    • Added more filters to export products system
  • Version 6.1.8 - 15/10/2017
    • Opencart 3.x users: Fixed problem logout after validate license.
  • Version 6.1.7 - 07/10/2017
    • Added basic rules to import new categories
  • Version 6.1.6 - 06/10/2017
    • Little bug fixed in category import
  • Version 6.1.5 - 06/10/2017
    • Removed button "Apply" and "Save changes" they do not serve
    • Validate license form only appear after login in opencart admin zone, while the session don't close, wont appear again.
  • Version 6.1.2 - 03/10/2017
  • Version 6.1.1 - 02/10/2017
    • Little bug fixed in export "Undefined variable $lan"
  • Version 6.1.0 - 23/09/2017
    • Added Export/Import categories!!
    • Now columns heading have different colors by groups/types
  • Version 6.0.0 - 08/09/2017
    • Added multilanguage support to categories (ONLY COMPATIBLE WHEN CREATE NEW CATEGORIES)
    • Inserted new licenses system
  • Version 5.9.2 - 19/07/2017
    • Export bug fixed: All datas duplicated in export, sorry, I duplicated code in last version. Update now! ;)
  • Version 5.9.1 - 16/07/2017
    • Bug fixed: Little bug fixed in SEO URL multilanguage.
  • Version 5.9.0 - 12/07/2017
    • Export orders added!
    • Export customers added!
    • Bug fixed: If option value had "." (point) appeared errors trying import excel.
  • Version 5.8.0 - 05/07/2017
    • Export optimization
    • Remove the rule required in "*Name", not is neccesary
    • Escape character in field "model" in export filter, was crashing the query
  • Version 5.7.5 - 14/05/2017
    • Rest or sum tax to price: Bug fixed in operation.
    • Minor errors warnings php fixed.
  • Version - 22/04/2017
    • Bug fixed: Option value with quantity 0 was 1 after import.
    • Added new column "deleted" if fill with "1" the product will be deleted
    • If column "quantity" is filled the system doesn't autocalculate it sum option values quantity.
    • Added "sort order" to option values.
  • Version - 18/03/2017
    • Added Downloads fields
  • Version - 24/02/2017
    • Bug fixed: Duplicate attributes, attributes groups and others after new imports (ONLY if his names has symbols).
  • Version - 13/02/2017
    • SEO URL: error fixed, in previous version the system was getting "Model" instead of "Name" to auto generate SEO URL.
  • Version - 31/01/2017
    • Now product options are controlled by product models instead of product names, with this we can import now differents products with same name.
    • Bug fixed: Import system creates news categories with repeat names.
  • Version - 28/01/2017
    • Minor error fixed in category create process.
  • Version - 22/01/2017
    • Improved import/export process, x10 FATER!!!
    • Added columns configuration, select columns that you want use!
    • Added history exported files
    • Added multi trees categories
    • Added export by product's quantity range
    • OLD CUSTOMER IMPORTANT: If we done personal change to you is possible that this new versions won't be compatible.
  • Version - 10/01/2017
    • OC 1.5.x users: Solved problem exporting by categories and manufacturers, filter wasn't working correctly.
  • Version - 29/12/2016
    • Added related product
  • Version - 27/12/2016
    • Added import configuration "Strict edit"
    • Added import configuration "Sum tax"
    • Added import configuration "Rest tax"
    • Minor import errors fixed
  • Version - 15/09/2016
    • Bug fixed: category empty in export proccess.
    • Compatibility with OC.2.3.X
    • Comparibility with OCMod
  • Version - 11/09/2016
    • Attributes multilanguage
    • Added option type "text"
    • Added multi store split by "|"
    • Added news import configurations (categories tree)
    • Fix export by model
  • Version - 17/07/2016
    • Auto create category tree levels!!
    • Full reward points functionality
  • Version - 12/06/2016
    • Add new filters to export products.
  • Version - 21/05/2016
    • Add url support to images, the system download it and assign to product.
    • Add discounts
  • Version - 10/05/2016
    • Bug fixed in options when edit a existing product, the options were deleted.
  • Version - 30/04/2016
    • Bugs fixed in import/export process.
  • Version - 20/02/2016
    • Bug fixed when importer create news options values.